Rewards of Being a Volunteer Firefighter in Suffolk County

Discover the rewards and benefits of becoming a volunteer firefighter in Suffolk County. Learn about free training and equipment, tax exemptions, insurance coverage and more.

Rewards of Being a Volunteer Firefighter in Suffolk County

Volunteering has its rewards, and if you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter in Suffolk County, there are many advantages to consider. From free training and equipment to tax exemptions and insurance coverage, being a volunteer firefighter in Suffolk County has many benefits. The Suffolk County Fire Department is dedicated to providing its personnel with the best possible safety measures in the event of incidents involving hazardous materials. Whenever a volunteer member offers an individual service to another company in the State of New York, but outside the area normally served by the member's company or district, and after the commanding officer at the scene accepts such services, the responsibility for benefits resulting from an injury in the line of duty will lie with the fire or ambulance company (and its political subdivision) that has accepted such voluntary service.

Volunteer firefighters in Suffolk County (New York) have access to a variety of rewards, such as free training and equipment, tax exemptions, and essential insurance coverage under the New York State Volunteer Fire Benefits Act (VFBL). These benefits include property tax reductions, state income tax benefits, free medical checkups, free insurance, college tuition reimbursement, service pensions, and more. In addition to these rewards, there are also family assistance programs available in Suffolk County. These programs include shelters, transition units, self-sufficiency programs (such as work assistance), free meals and financial aid from United Way, and more.

Become a Volunteer Firefighter in Suffolk County

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter in Suffolk County, contact your local fire department or emergency medical unit for more information. Resources include Suffolk County Fire, Rescue and Emergency Department, Suffolk County Fire Academy, Suffolk County Volunteer Fire Association, and Suffolk County Council of Fire Chiefs of Suffolk County.