Supporting Voluntary Organizations in Suffolk County: How You Can Make a Difference

Learn how you can make a difference by supporting voluntary organizations in Suffolk County. Find out how you can donate money or goods, volunteer your time or offer your specialized skills.

Supporting Voluntary Organizations in Suffolk County: How You Can Make a Difference

RSVP is a non-profit organization that provides a wide range of volunteer opportunities for people aged 55 and over. Their mission is to support older Americans who want to stay active and make a positive impact in their communities. FSL is a social services agency that offers assistance and safety to Long Island neighbors who need it most. From children and families to the elderly, they empower more than 50,000 of the most vulnerable people in the area to use their strengths and enhance their quality of life. For over four decades, the Suffolk County Office for the Elderly has managed federal, state, and county programs for individuals aged 60 and above.

Non-profit organizations that help community members in need, such as soup kitchens and homeless shelters, can benefit greatly from donations of canned food, new and used clothing, toys, and essential items like toiletries. The Suffolk County Children's Center at Cohalan Court also needs volunteers to assist with supervising children while their parents attend court. The Suffolk County Office for the Elderly is the area agency designated for aging under the Aging Act. They are responsible for providing services such as home-delivered meals, transportation, health promotion activities, and caregiver support. There are numerous ways to support voluntary organizations in Suffolk County. You can donate money or goods such as food, clothing, toys, and toiletries.

You can also volunteer your time by helping out at soup kitchens or homeless shelters. If you have specialized skills or knowledge, you can offer your services to organizations like the Suffolk County Office for the Elderly or the Suffolk County Children's Center at Cohalan Court. No matter how you choose to support voluntary organizations in Suffolk County, your contribution will make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Your generosity will help empower vulnerable people in our community to use their strengths and improve their quality of life.